The following areas of are categorized and can be searched in a number of different ways. They are: the Members' Area, the Free Clips Area, Downloads/DVDs, The Clips Store and Kip's Classics. We initially created the search for the Members' Area, so that Members' could filter their results instantly to get right to the content they wanted to view out of thousands of clips. We liked it so much that we added it to the other areas of the site. You'll notice our New "revised" search function is located at the top of available pages, and is activated each time you choose from any of the three dropdown menus, or fill-in a keyword and hit the magnifying glass in the Title/Description field. It is fast and accurate.
The Categories that can be searched are: any keyword in the "Title/Description" search bar, The Utopia Star, The Wrestling/Grappling Genre, or the Wrestling/Grappling Hold.
It is a very powerful search function. You may utilize any single category, or if you want to focus your search more precisely you may use more than one category. You can even use all 4 together to hone in on exactly the type of wrestling, grappling or posing material you want to see. The databases for all the above areas are different, so your results may vary. For Instance, you may choose Muscle Worship as a Genre within the DVDs/Downloads section and the results return empty. This is because no DVD/Download was categorized in the Genre that is Muscle Worship. In this instance you may want to choose "Muscle Worship" as a hold instead and you will notice 2 results are returned.
The "Title/Description" field can be used in a number of ways. You can enter the actual title of any Utopia video, but you can also type in any keyword you can think of. If no results come up, the word you type does not exist in any Utopia Title, or in any Description of a Utopia Clip(s)
The "Genre" dropdown menu represents the types of videos we produce. Mixed Wrestling, All Female Wrestling, Posing, Muscle Worship, Arm Wrestling, Boxing, Full Downloads, 2 Women on 1 Man, Etc.... Since we have so many preview clips of coming attractions that are not available to the general public, we have made "Preview Clip" part of the genre. Please be advised, that since has been on the web since 1997, it has undergone many revisions, and some growing pains. It remains a "work in progress." The same is true for the search function. Some of the categories were revised and made more precise and have mostly newer clips. These Genres are: Mixed Wrestling, Female Wrestling, and Sexy Posing. However hundreds of older clips remain in the Genres: Mixed, All Female and Posing. To combine all these into the newer Genres at this point would mean deleting and re-entering each clip one by one. There are many Full Downloads available for free within the Members' area. Meaning if you are a member, you get this content for free! Choose Mixed or Female - Full Download to easily filter your results to contain only the full downloads.
The Utopia "Star" field is a dropdown menu that allows you to choose all the clips from any given woman who has appeared in a Utopia Entertainment video or clip. Lets say you love Blade and want to view all her Members' clips first. While n the Members' Area choose "Blade" from the "Star" dropdown menu and Voila, all of Blades Members' Clips will be filtered as your results.
The "Hold" field allows you to see all the clips that include a given wrestling or grappling hold or maneuver. Keep in mind that many clips include multiple wrestling holds. We tried to be as precise as possible when programming each clip. However, please note that in some instances we may have a different name for a given wrestling hold that you may be used to, or how it may be named on a different website. If you see a clip that is totally wrong please let us know by writing to with the exact clip name. Also, if you have a new name or hold that we do not list or want us to produce, we are happy to listen to your suggestions.