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In a perfect world...

We get many letters and emails from female wrestling and bodybuilding fans and we read them all. Here are a few unsolicited comments from our customers. Check out what the buzz is all about:

Kip, where did you find Roxy? She is breathtaking. Lean muscular, and beautiful. More of her please! --Peter P.

Fon's videos are great! She is one of the most beautiful women I have seen in a wrestling video. I liked the knockout too. Keep up the good work. -Brad S.

Hi Kip, just got to say this is one of the best choke outs I've ever seen, watching Fon snake her powerful arms around him and knock him out was awesome. Regards --Andy S.

Hi, quick note, great Website. Mandy and Hailey are superb. I love the fact these women can really fight/wrestle. Any chance to get them to wrestle each other? I can dream can't I? --Jeff G.

Hi, Longtime fan of the site, but it's been awhile since I purchased anything. But late one night a couple of weeks ago I hit the site and noticed Rebekah Kresila and Blade. I snarfed both up and I'm really glad I did. These videos are excellent. I won't wait so long next time! --Tim

Tyler vs Elektra is fantastic. Thanks for the great work. I look forward to seeing more W/W videos in the near future Cheers! --B

Kip, you have a great site. I just purchased the clip of Tyler vs Elektra… amazing, great clip!!!! -Scott D.

Hi Kip, Your videos of fon are great. I love the wrestling video, but the dom video where she knock the guy out is unbelievable! Such a turn on. I could watch her skull crushin' thighs and neck breaking arms all day, once again great site, keep up the good work. - Dave T.

I just wanted to say how much I love Fon and the videos you guys produce. Excellent work. Big fan of all of the current productions. Fon's sexy, muscular body mixed with her obvious intention to dominate is tremendous . Her aggression and willingness to take it to the limit is totally awesome. Keep it rolling. -Michael

Hey Kip, Long time customer here. Just thought I'd check in and let ya know that the new Kresila video is AWESOME. Thanks, man. -Denny M.

I love the Fon Domination video. I'm really into muscle but love the femdom stuff more so for me, that video was perfect. Well done. -John M.

Hello Kip… Wow!! More of Dragon Lily...please!! Keep ,up the GREAT work! --Tony D.

Hi Kip, I Felt the need to compliment you and what you do for us that share your interest. I was one of your earliest customers going back to the day when everything was conducted by snail mail. The brochures, the order form, the money order, the VHS tape, the photo sets and the waiting for the order to arrive. That's the way business was conducted in those days. However I was never disappointed in your service and the quality of what I had ordered. Fast forward to today, and the only thing that has changed, so much for the better, is how easy it is to purchase and download videos within minutes without getting out of my chair. The important thing that hasn't changed is the excellent quality of the videos both in the filming and the actual action and most notably the variety of outstanding ladies you work with. Both the familiar faces but also the new ladies you bring in regularly. A perfect example is Fon, where you hit a home run with her. They all share the ability to wrestle, look beautiful and buff, and verbally say all the right things while flexing while they're doing it. A place where fit women do rule. :-) Other companies offer customs, but all of yours are customs for my liking plus it's not the same male victim each and every time. Anyway, still a very happy customer and member of your site and look forward to what you have coming up in the future. -Kevin M.

Hey Kip I just wanted to thank you. I love your videos. Yours was the first site I found, years ago, when I first searched for "mixed wrestling" on the Internet. I still can't get enough—Matt R.

Congratulations on Utopia turning 20. That's really a big accomplishment! I must admit, I've been a fan for 15 years or so. Thanks for staying with it and staying active. Your site is the best.
-- Peter C.

Kip, Congratulations on your 20th Anniversary. The video "The True Story of Utopia Entertainment" is a masterpiece. If that is indeed the true story, your life is both tragic and heroic! Sorry, but What I wouldn't do given one night alone with Mrs. Kip!
-- Bill C.

I love the True Story of Utopia. First, 53 minutes for $19.95. Second, Claire Rebell is one sexy natural muscle girl. Third, really entertaining. Thank you!
-- Jonathan R.

Kip, I bought this video, The Story of Utopia, cause I know when you put out a special like this, it's usually good. You've outdone yourself this time!
-- Paul N.

Where in the name of all things sexy did you find the young wrestler Mandy? She is so cute and seemingly innocent, then she totally dominates. Unreal!
-- Jerry G.

I like your new 20th anniversary home page. You're really good at keeping us coming back. Thanks Kip.
-- Steve K.

I love this woman Claire Rebell. She wrote that song she sang in your video? Now that's talent!!
-- Jimmie Z.

Kip thank you for featuring REAL Wrestlers like Mandy, Lilli, Laura Lee, Roseanne, etc... I can't tell you the thrill I get from watching Mandy turn her opponant with her half nelson. She really knows her stuff.
-- Neil

Hey Kip, thanks for putting your clips out in .mp4. I travel all the time and I love to check out a clip or two during the day, the night too! :)
-- Gary S.

I bought the video of The Story of Utopia because I basically buy almost all of your videos. I thought it was so good and that woman Claire was so fine, I went back and got the other download with her .. You're Gonna Remember These Legs. That one's a classic too.
-- Scott S.

I think the clips store format is great. Being able to pick and choose what part of a download you might like and adding it to a shopping cart is awesome. The Utopia site is great. It has everything us Muscle girl fans like.
-- David V.

I love that you try to keep things fresh. New site design, mp4's, hot wrestling babes. 20 years and still going strong. Kudos Kip!
-- Bill P.

Kip, you have a great website. Your work with Monix in particular is stunning. More of her soon, please!
-- Joel A.

I visit a few mixed wrestling sites, but yours is the most entertaining. Great females, interesting dialogue, and more holds then just scissors. Thank you for increasing the updates too.
-- Blaine S.

The new mixed wrestling video with Jennifer Scarpetta in contest shape is so hot. She's an awesome woman. Buff beyond belief, but sexy too.
-- Nate

Claire Rebell is amazing. Too often you see awesome women like her just go through the motions. But Claire seemed to live it! Her shit talking is amazing!
-- Gary B.

Kip, I have been a member for almost 6 years and each year you give us fans the best service. You have the most beautiful and sexy women on your site. Roxy is amazing!!! I want to see more of her! Keep up the great work.
-- Bobby C.

Some of the new talent you're featuring is fantastic. Claire, Roxy, Mandy, and let's not forget Lanai!
-- Dave J.

I purchased "You're Gonna Remember These Legs" because I like realism and the outdoor themes. I will admit that I am mostly disappointed. But not this time. It was a great story, the camerawork is great too and Claire must be a true dominant woman. She completely takes him apart physically and verbally. This is one of my favorites.
-- T.K.

Hi Kip! I want to start by saying that I appreciate the more frequent updates to the members section. Not just the daily updates you started very recently, but I noticed the increase in the frequency of updates over the last year or so, and I appreciate it.
-- D. Smith

Kip, your vids are EXCELLENT. All things taken into consideration, I think they're the best in the industry.
-- Charles P..

You have a real winner with the black fitness girl Roxie. I can tell you I will buy any and all vids you have with her!ÊKeep them coming.
-- Mark G.

I'm really enjoying the Utopia site. I'm a fem/fem fan as well as mixed. The series with Ariel-X, Julie Squeeze and Cheyenne is really well done. Also Amber R. against her Mom. As for the mixed, Elektra, Lindsay the Muscle Tease, Monix, Blade and Claire Rebell! Wow.
-- Jay E.

I love the natural muscle girls like Reign, Alli, Carmella, and Claire. Fit bodies and natural breasts. Mmmm.
-- Ralph L.

Kip, Great new material. Thank you for updating every day, I'm glad I rejoined. I still love the old stuff with Eve, Michelle, and Dee. Those three are fantastic.
-- Bill D.

Kip, Nice pick up with Lilli.Ê I've seen her posing, but knew she wrestled too. I've been waiting to see her in this setting for awhile. The other new girls are fantastic too. Awesome work as usual!
-- Jeff D..

I just hit your new site. Very cool.... I just wanted to say one of the reasons I like Utopia so much is your variety. I love the posing clips and the more competitive clips too. Don't get me wrong, I love a good scissor hold as much as the next guy but your site is the only one I've found that features everything. Good luck with the new site.
-- Rick R.

Wow Kip, the design of the new site is the coolest I have ever seen. I can see now why it took awhile to develop. Just wanted to say I'm enjoying all the downloads and new stuff you've added. Thanks for making such a cool playground for us wrestling fans.
-- Terrence K.

I'm still astonished at the quality of all your productions. How do you do it? Nevermind how, just keep them coming!
-- Tim

I've always wanted you to put your DVDs on-line as downloads, and now you've done it. The quality is awesome. Keep up te good work.
-- Peter C.

Your DVDs are one of the few in this genre that don't show severe pixelation/distortion when I use my player's zoom and slow-mo functions. What that means is that those times I wished this or that shot was more of a close-up...well, now they can be, with a simple touch of a button. And the picture is still clear. Thank you for making quality DVDs.
-- Jeff

Beautiful new site!!! You guys have proven once again why you're the best mixed wrestling site on the net!!!
-- Dave W.

Hi, just a quick email to tell you the new Utopia website is the best wrestling site out there! Thank you.
-- Frank F.

Thank you for not abandoning quicktime format, even with the new site! I'm a Mac user and I still love quicktime. Kudos!
-- Mac Guru

I love Utopia entertainment videos. They have great quality video, sound and content. Utopia is the only professional company that puts out these videos with this kind of quality.
-- Philip M.

I had to write and tell you I'm a huge fan of your site. Recently I left and joined another site thinking it would be a better value. What a joke, every clip is the same, featuring skinny girls, pathetic guys, short clips, more expensive monthly fee, and no variety at all. I'm back at Utopia and I'm staying!
-- Mike T.

The design of the new site is awesome Kip. The quality of the downloads are awesome too. I've been a member of the site for awhile now, and the member's area is awesome! Your women are the the most awesome ever to wrestle! Kip, you're awesome! One word... Awesome!
-- Bill G.

I signed up as a Utopia Entertainment member shortly after we spoke. The site is great. I'm really enjoying it a lot. I was able to view the clips featuring Neveah. Oh my god, beautiful and ruthless. You've certainly got many of the top female wrestlers featured on the site. Great job!
-- Craig P.

Hi Kip, just wanted to say your service is excellent. My DVD arrived in less than a week. Keep up the great job. A happy customer!
-- Scott

Love your web site! Wish I were in OH instead of OR, would love to be the victim of your ladies scissor holds! Especially the British lady really liked her saying "Are you going to join Utopia..." While she scissored that lucky guy. Wow!
-- Dean B.

I'm a huge fan of hand over mouth smothering. Yours is the only wrestling company I've seen that uses leg over mouth too. Keep this type of content coming.
-- Brian

I really like Lia's clips. Keep them coming! Great job on all the awesome content you keep getting. You have the best women in the business!
-- Ryan

This isn't a wrestling comment per se, but I have to give you props for the excellent job with the Arm Wrestling DVD. By far the most polished work featuring strong women I've ever seen. Thanks.
-- Billy T.

You do have some excellent videos on your site Kip, and I have bought several of them. I have been purchasing videos for the last 15 years and have become a very discriminate buyer. I know what I like and only like to spend my money on sure things. I like true competitive female/female stuff and some mixed. Your video of Gia vs. Kyla (WW-8 Session Girls Battle) is superb. Thanks for bringing these great ladies to us Kip.
-- Kurt

As a long time fan of Utopia Entertainment I know that in the past you have tended to lean towards the apartment house/semi - or fantasy wrestling type of videos. However, recently I became a member of your website and discovered preview clips for wrestlers like Kyla Luciano, Gia and Roseann. These serious, competitive wrestlers are a new turn for your company I think and I just want to say that I applaud the move. These wrestlers not only seem to have the skill, but also the competitive, in-your-face attitude I like to see. They not only kick their opponent's ass, but they tell him/her about it as well. Thanks!
-- John K.

Firstly I'd just like to congratulate you on making the best Mixed Wrestling Videos out there - excellent stuff! You feature the best girls, best scenarios, and highest production values. Your site is my favorite as you provide clips in QuickTime format - the best format (IMHO), Thanks, and keep up the good work.
-- John A.

I have to say that your site is wonderful. Finally a site where the women are really stronger than the men and where the women enjoy this. Very good work!!!
-- Marcel S.

I love your videos, they are by far the best on the web. I was wondering if there would be any way that I could be in one of your videos?
-- Joe S.

I have to give you a shout out about your company, which I think is the most fun and entertaining website of the whole genre of mixed wrestling. The women are beautiful as well as great athletes... Thank you and keep up the great work.
-- Bobby C.

I've just seen the Molly tape. I think it's the best you've done, which means it's the best that anybody's done. I'm glad you decided to release it. What makes Molly so sexy is that she never tries to be sexy. She just wrestles and concentrates on that. She's completely natural about it and has more energy than anyone I've seen. Anyway, give her my compliments if you are in contact with her and accept my compliments yourself. This tape will be number one on my list.
-- Peter B.

Hi I am a member of your site. I just have to say that you have the best looking women on your site. They are all well built and very hot. Thank you.
-- Jeff H.

Kip, I just received the tape Screen Test Torture today and watched the whole thing. To put it mildly - HOLY COW!!! You were right, this is one of your best videos if not THE BEST. I just wrote a long review on Diana's site so check it out when you get the time. Thanks again, you're alright in my book! Excellent camera work, I must add. Take care,
-- Steve

Hello, Kip! I've been an admirer of your videos for some time. You have managed to make some of the best-mixed wrestling tapes on the market, with the hottest fitness babes. I'm going to keep buying them as you keep making them. Can I be in one too?
-- Louis

Hi Kip, I enjoyed Seductive Squeezing so much!!! When are you getting Rhonda Quaresma back to do another video??? Soon I hope, I'll be a definite buyer, she just doesn't know when to stop does she!!! Excellent! Regards,
-- Jim T.

Oh wow!! I just saw Jane the ballerina in action for the first time! Incredible? Thanks and please keep up the great work!
-- Will

Hi Kip, Just wanted to thank you for sending the free video with Amy Rainaldo. I've been a fan of mixed wrestling for thirty years and I can honestly say your videos are the best! I own nearly all of the mixed ones but Amy strikes the perfect balance of strength and femininity. Congratulations and keep up the good work.
-- Lenie C.

Hello Kip. My congratulations for having the best site (of this kind) on the internet & the best quality videos I've ever seen.
-- Herbert W.

I am a current member of your members' site and a purchaser of many of your videos/DVDs. I have found that yours is the greatest quality of production in the genre. Thanks!
-- James M.

Many Thanks, I just received the 7 DVDS Tuesday the 4th. I just began to watch one and I find it awesome, great quality and lots of magic moments!!! Awesome DVD with great packaging, thanks again for your serious and quick overseas shipping!!
-- Faby

I've just watched your free download called, what a way to get Members to join. I wish she could make me join like that!
-- Phil C.

Anytime I see a potential muscular hottie, I always wonder what a Utopia treatment of them would mean. So many women like this, wasted in half-ass productions made by folks who don't have a clue about camerawork or editing. You guys are the best out there!
-- Jeff D.

Hi, every time I enter the member's area, I say wow, this is the best. I love all these women. I don't think I could imagine a better group of strong women ever in the world. Congratulations for your great site.
--S. H.

Hi Kip, just a quick note to say your member's area is brilliant. I've joined a few of them and yours is by far the best bang for the buck.
--Jon C.

Hey Kip... looks like you did it again! Don't know how you keep finding these incredibly sexy ladies but Panther's a knockout (in more ways than one I'm sure.) I love that British accent of hers... adds a touch of sophistication to the art of being squeezed senseless. Anyhow... thanks for the great material and keep 'em coming
--Andy M.

I've just recently discovered your site, and I have to say it's the best around of this material. Your member's area is amazing.
--Gary H.

I don't know if you remember me but about 2 months ago ordered three videos including Beginner's Skill with Candace. I loved Candace in the video. I was particularly impressed with her joy at the ease of her victory. It was as good as you said it would be over the phone. Thank you.
--Mike K.
Hi Kip, I got the video Wrestle This! with Lynzee and I say this is a great video. I like the beginning of the video where she squeezes until he passes out. That turned me on, big time! I have like 15 different mixed wrestling videos and so far Wrestle This! is by far my favorite.
--Nelson B.

Just received and watched my first Utopia videos (Fitness Catfight and Fitness Girl Challenge) and both were excellent. The holds were great, and any video with Karen Konyha wrestling another girl, regardless if she wins or loses, is a must-see.
--Paul L.

I love the outfits the girls wore in the last videos I bought from you. You are on the right track so keep up the good work. You have the most imaginative videos and I look forward to your future videos. Thanks again,

I am a huge fan of your work and have several videos of Utopia. Your company is the best on the market!
--Bart L.

MY GOD! Panther is impressive.. I love when she strangles the man with her legs in the car... thanks. I've also seen an amazing clip in your member's area of the girl named Tawny. She's unbelievable, almost as sexy as Molly the Gymnast. Can we have a Molly video please?
--L. R.

Hello Kip, The tape arrived on Monday and I just wanted to drop you a note to say thanks for such super fast service. I really enjoyed the tape and must say I was impressed by Kasie's seemingly authentic domination of her two opponents. I would also like to take a moment to congratulate you on the camera work. I thought it was very well done. Regards
--John M.

I just wanted to tell you that I got my video of Screen Test Torture, and it is one of the best mixed wrestling videos I have ever seen. I hope Charlene Rink does more in the future. Keep up the good work guys.
-- Gary J.

I just recently became a member of your website. It all looks great. Your videos are really well done. I think there are four or five I will be buying. The one with Amy Rainaldo and that guy in the ring looked like she really kicked his ass! Keep up the great work.
-- Michael T.

I just wanted to compliment you on great work on the Fitness Girl Challenge video. I'm a huge fan of the fitness women, and I have to say that this is one of the best I've seen... If you come out with anything similar in the future I won't hesitate to buy it immediately! Keep up the good work!
-- Stephen

I took out membership yesterday, you have an excellent site. Some of the other companies are bloody awful. They're obviously being run by people with no knowledge of filmmaking or photography... You, on the other hand, make it look easy.
-- Hugh J.

I just got my videos today, and quite frankly, it's the best stuff you've ever done. Both Screen Test Torture and Fitness Girl Challenge are excellent. Keep up the good work and thanks again.
-- John K.

I recently got the Fitness Catfight video, and it was great. Lots of body scissors and I think you could hear the ribs crack... Thank you.
-- Nelson B.

I have purchased all of your fem v fem videos, and I loved every one of them. I can hardly wait for more. Looking forward to seeing the new ones. Good luck.
-- Glenn H.

I am writing to you for several reasons. First, I want to take a moment out of my hectic day at work to let you know that your company is doing a great job of promoting quality women's wrestling videos. Second, your member's area is first-rate... I thank you and say - keep up the great work.
-- Thomas F.

Just mailing to let you know that you have the best quality of videos and girls than any other company. I know that not just any scrub-girl can make the cut at Utopia or you'd be just another video co. These beautiful girls are probably hard to find and you do a wonderful job. Thanks.
-- Jon

Hello! A big fan here, I have several tapes of yours. I'm a fem vs fem fan, so I have three of the four you have (as well as a few mixed tapes). You have the most imaginative, FUN tapes around. Girls wrestling in a pure technical matchup is kinda "clinical", ya know? Your tapes are a lot more interesting because of the storyline. I won't lie - I'm also a ... buyer, but less so recently, since they're concentrating far more heavily on the mat wrestling than in the past. It's OK, but the story in your videos makes them a lot more fun.
-- Jason H.